Justin DeFields Apps

Simple TimeSheet 3.2.1
Simple TimeSheet is a simple Time Recording / Time Trackingapplication for Android. Adding and managing projects is quick andsimple. This app supports email exporting, so that you can viewyour weekly reports on your PC, or even send them right to HumanResources! UPDATES: Google DATA BACKUP is now supported!Notifcations are now supported! Settings menu is now implemented!Projects can now stay checked in past midnight (new timestampautomatically created for the following day)! Instructions forapplication: - You can add new projects to the main screen byclicking the row titled "Add Project..." at the top of the mainscreen. You can easily rename a project by Clicking & Holdingon the project row. A menu will pop up with "Edit Project Name" asone of the available options. There is also an option to delete theproject and to view the Time Stamps for the project). - Clickanywhere on a project row when you are ready to start working onthat project (The row will turn green and display the word"ACTIVE"). - Click anywhere on an active project row to check outof the active project (or on a different/inactive project row). -You can view weekly reports by clicking the "View Weekly Reports"button in the top-right corner of the main screen. Weekly reportswill display the hours worked for each project in a given week. -On the Weekly Reports screen, you can select a date to view thereport for the week containing that date, or you can use the "LastWeek" and "Next Week" buttons to cycle through each weekly report.- The "Decimal Format" check box allows you to switch betweendecimal hours or clock based hours (for example 4.5 or 04:30:00). -You can export your weekly report by using the "Share Via Email"button in the top-right corner of the "Weekly Reports" screen(report is sent as a .CSV file, which can be opened in Excel orother spreadsheet programs. I also send the raw data from the .CSVin the email as well). NOTES ARE HERE, and they are automaticallycollected and placed in the body of the email! NOTES:--------------------------------------------- There will be adsupport in a future version to help me keep a free version of thisapp available! I will likely be releasing a paid version (no-ads)with additional features in the future. I will be monitoringreviews/comments daily. Please send me an email before leaving anegative review. I will address problems, and add features if theyare necessary, reasonable, or just plain awesome to have!DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY:--------------------------------------------- This free Software isprovided on an AS IS basis, without warranty of any kind, includingwithout limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for aparticular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to thequality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should theSoftware prove defective, you, and not Justin DeFields, assume theentire cost of any service and repair. JUSTIN DEFIELDS IS NOTRESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FORLOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION,OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES.